Answer : A
C. Rajagopalachari informally called 'Rajaji' or C.R. was the first Indian Governor General and the last Governor General of independent India..
C. Rajagopalachari informally called 'Rajaji' or C.R. was the first Indian Governor General and the last Governor General of independent India..
The real name of Lord Dalhousie is James Broun-Ramsay. He is credited with introducing passenger trains in railways, electric telegraph and uniform postage in India which he described as the "three great engines of social improvement".
The real name of Lord Dalhousie is James Broun-Ramsay. He is credited with introducing passenger trains in railways, electric telegraph and uniform postage in India which he described as the "three great engines of social improvement".
Sarkaria Commission was set up in June 1983 by the central government of India. The Sarkaria Commission's charter was to examine the relationship and balance of power between state and central governments in the country and suggest changes within the framework of Constitution of India.
The Indian Statutory Commission, commonly referred to as the Simon Commission after its chairman Sir John Allsebrook Simon, was sent to India in 1928 (February - March and October 1928 - April 1929) to study potential constitutional reform. The outcome of the Simon Commission was the Government of India Act 1935, which called for responsible government at the provincial level in India but not at the national level—that is a government responsible to the Indian community rather than London. It is the basis of many parts of the Indian Constitution.
Lord Canning is the viceroy who introduced income tax and budget system in India.
Vellore Mutiny was started on 10th July 1806.